’ Health Promotion for Jusitice’・・・New name for New stage of the Health -Strategy to aim at the right to health
I am thinking about new name for new stage of the health -strategy to aim at the right to health that had been initiated by Amartya Sen's thought.
It is necessary to recognize that there is a historical transition in WHO's health -strategies.
The first stage was "Primary health care" PHC. This went out strongly a medical biology side, and ended in infectious disease control only (partial PHC). It can be said that it failed in the incentive-making of health- creation by resident's social participation.
The second stage is Health promotion HP.Though it almost completed in the idea,the clue of practice was not obtained, it fell into self-responsibility theory and overemphasis of empowerment individual lifestyle like Japanese "Healthy Japan 21" and United States' "Healthy people 2000" in the large wave of neoliberalism globalization, and it failed .
The third stage is on the epoch where the Health promotion discovered the direction of advancement along "Social determinats of health" SDH (→ 'solid facts') that is the maximum factor to decide health by obtaining arms of social epidemiology.
Michael Marmot is the leading person of this movement.
By it health-strategy and the right to health hado become the acquisition targets with the scientific basis from the subjective effort target and the wish .
However, there is no name for the third stage yet. The content is not reflected in "New Health promotion".
SDH Health promotion (HP-SDH) can not catch a lot of people's hearts .
ComprehensiveHP(CHP)is too official.
Scientific HP is like the scientific socialism.
Might "HP for the justice" be too passionate ?
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